To Peer or Not to Peer

People are really good at networking. This is a survival skill – we know it since the times humans overgrown other animals in ability to cooperate, and leverage strength of others to advantage of all.

That said, world of capitalism prefers society to be atomized, broken to a lot of tiny shards of human being – each locked into a scary, boring capsule of “free personality”. This is good for business – fear is a #1 way of selling anything, lack of cooperation is great to keep majority uninformed on the problems discovered by some. A business can sell a lot of useless junk for a good money, before population in general figures it out.

And people feel that, and reject that. People suffer from anxiety, fear, uncertainty. They hate being tricked by fine print and chased by fake sales pitches. They desperately suffer from consequences of that imposed lifetime of fear and junk consumption.

So people revolt! They stick together in a variety of groups, they like to hear whistleblowers, they fully expect to be taken advantage of – and fight back with all they can. And society allows that, meanwhile those who govern it consider these groupings dangerous only to specific businesses.

Historically, that fight generated a way of human interaction referred to as “word of mouth”, “spread the message”, “grapevine”, etc. Effectively, a variety of ways people tend to share the knowledge against the format imposed by the system.

Naturally, this kind of message suffers from quality issues – “Chinese whispers” effect was all but inevitable for centuries… until Internet came into the scene. Quickly evolving from a primitive email transport to web, and from it – to a digital social world.

Suddenly, people not only got a tool to spread the word – but also a way to cross-check the message, find the originators of it, discuss the message and judge the quality of information shared. Entire landscape of human information, compensating for economically-based and politically imposed rules, got a massive bypass. Story of Ford “Firebomb” Pinto would have spread much quicker, and with much larger consequences to Ford, our days.

And if anything, the new communications and socialization model brought a way of sharing information, that created a “peer to peer” modality – where, while one person talks to 10 friends, and each of them to 10 of theirs, and the word keep spreading as an avalanche… or ripples on the water – depending on the scale of personal interest and social impact.

Exponentially. All the way to the whole world – until entire audience is covered, message loses relevance, or intentionally or unintentionally created noise cancels the ripple effect.

Brain Mechanics likes P2P (peer to peer) modality. Our goals as a social enterprise, our foundational interest in humanity, our detest to business models based on lie and restriction… the whole heart of Brain Mechanics demands sharing the word in a P2P fashion.

We love to engage people we love, we hope they would engage those they love beyond our circle, we wish our message go beyond the limit of a direct connection with our team!

Brain Mechanics is continuously seeking volunteers, donors, fundraising enthusiast – and many, many different talents that could have contributed to the goals we share with these people.

We will be happy to see this message reaching you. We will be happy if you would wish to join our team, donate, or fundraise for our initiatives. Even a simple knowledge is good – participation is even better. And P2P allows us to create a massive wave of sharing the good, way beyond something as innocent as sending a link to a friend.

Your friends are your super-power – use it!