Positive Psychology

What is Positive Psychology?

Positive psychology examines what gives our lives meaning and purpose—how we can move beyond surviving to flourishing.

Traditionally, psychology has focused on dysfunction and how to treat it. Positive psychology, in contrast, is a field that explores how ordinary people can become happier and more fulfilled.

​ Positive Psychology is grounded in the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within them, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play (Positive Psychology Center, 2016). 

How can Positive Psychology Help?

Identifying one’s character strengths is considered an important step on the road to the good and meaningful life envisioned by positive psychologists.
There are also simple positive psychology interventions one can try at home to promote well-being.

One example, “gratitude exercises,” have been studied by psychologists as a way to increase happiness over time. Just what the name sounds like, these involve such simple actions as writing down each day three things for which one is grateful.

​ Although the focus of positive psychology is on happiness and fulfilment, it is important to understand that this does not mean people are advised to push away their negative emotions altogether.

Brain Mechanics applies Positive Psychology into it's Self Trainer and Brilliant Minds Programs in order to help our clients flourishing and build the awareness they'll need for for such inevitable negative emotional states and to developed the emotional resilience skills required to switch from negative and draining emotions towards more energy/regenerative positive emotional states.

​ On both the Self Trainer & Brilliant Minds Programs we teach the theoretical aspect of positive psychology via interactive & engaging content, while our practices provide clients with first hand, experiential wisdom of the real world application of positive psychology skills.

During their Zone Trainer or Mind Gym training our Heart Rate Variability biofeedback sensors allows clients to gauge the direct, tangible and very quantifiable impact of the profound effects on their mental & physiological well being. 



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