Smartwell Pilot Program

Sale price Price $34.87 Regular price $283.95 Unit price  per 

The Smartwell Program consists of innovative solutions that are designed to deliver a wealth of highly impactful results such as:

Improved emotional resilience and mental/biological functions.

Reduced mental and emotional stress levels

Program terms and conditions:

This is a pilot program that requires for all participants to agree to partake on regular online training and consent to monthly biological testing and experimental onsite experiences.

Please note these are wellness experiences that are not intended to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. 

Program participants should consult with their medical team to ensure this program is right for them prior to enrolling and starting this program. 

All program experiences will be documented for research purposes (individual and cohort case studies).  Participant images/testimonial and video content may be captured and used for marketing purposes only. 

By Submitting your monthly subscription payment you agree to these terms and conditions.