Brain Mechanics Blog
To Peer or Not to Peer
People are really good at networking. This is a survival skill – we know it since the times humans overgrown other animals in ability to cooperate, and leverage strength of others to advantage of all. That said, world of capitalism prefers society to be atomized, broken to a lot of tiny shards of human being... Continue Reading →
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Hola World!
I want to officially introduce you to this beautiful, humbling, roller coaster ride that I’ve have been honored to be a part of for the past few years. 6 years ago after my Father passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease, I promised him that I’d find a solution to this horrible disease. Having a health &... Continue Reading →
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Who Needs Websites Anymore?
Humanity loves to get stuck in familiar things. I guess effort required to understand them, drains intellectual capacity so severely, that people just refuse to keep up with progress… until it is too late, and it insistently knocks at their door. Consider eCommerce websites. Just about twenty years ago it was hardcore – a huge... Continue Reading →
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A promising approach to blocking beta-amyloid plaque using a novel synthetic protein
Amyloid-beta is a protein fragment that has long been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. It is a known neurotoxin that destroys nerve synapses and then clumps into plaques that lead to nerve cell death. Now Scientists from the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle have designed a synthetic peptide, or small protein, that... Continue Reading →
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The Power of Doing the Right Thing
The other day while driving down our busy interstate 4, which is endlessly under construction, an amazing thing happened. (Well at least in my mind). I was on the daily commute from downtown Orlando. Looking on the horizon, I saw brake lights popping up for no apparent reason, and then watched this car slow to... Continue Reading →
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Use Mind, Not Hands!
If anything, we the humans are really good at using our hands. Magnificent pieces of art, and incredible athletic acts were pulled out through that amazingly inefficient set of limbs, connected to the source of thought through intrinsic “interface” of nerves. Electric impulses within neural network of our brain release neurotransmitters into synapse, they bind... Continue Reading →
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Brain Mechanics: Seed to Sprout
Hello, my name is Matt Jantomaso, Chief Evangelist and co-founder of Brain Mechanics Foundation. I am privileged to have the opportunity to tell you an amazing story about two young men and a mission to change the world. Enter Brain Mechanics, the Foundation of Open Source Healt Although Brain Mechanics sprouted its roots a little... Continue Reading →
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FDA is trying to catch up with AI….AI you’ve got some explaining to do!
Finally the FDA is starting to make an effort to catch up with the times by taking the fist step in formulating a frame work of AI and Medical Applications. Call me crazy, but Explainable AI (XAI) should be a big part of the conversation. The current generation of AI lacks the basic capability of... Continue Reading →
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